Pomegranate with Soleyman pro

More than half of the world’s pomegranates are produced in Iran and exported to different countries.

In the past, Iran was the only exporter of pomegranates to the world.

Pomegranate seeds are often red and sometimes white or with colors between the two.

In terms of taste, they are divided into three tastes: sweet, sour and smooth.

Fresh Iranian pomegranates have been exported to 20 countries, including

Germany, the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, Ukraine, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands and South Korea.

The most suitable pomegranate varieties for export are:

Malas e saveh,robab e neyriz,shishe cop ferdows,naderi badroud,malas e yazdi,ghojagh e qom,ardestani meh velat , bejestati gonabad and khazar e bardeskan.

All orders according to your needs in the appropriate packaging will be provided to you by Soleyman pro.

Trust Soleyman pro

After harvesting, the pomegranate is transferred to the packing place and sorted and packed by experts in a completely hygienic environment, and finally it is palletized and sent to the destination country.Pomegranate is divided into Premium pomegranate grade, first grade and second grade.Premium pomegranate sells very well in global markets because this type of pomegranate has a beautiful appearance and unique taste and every customer will be fascinated by it.

Proper packaging of products, especially pomegranate fruit, develops the market for the product and minimizes waste in export shipments.We offer a variety of packaging to ensure the health of the products to reach the destination

Contact us for more information and to place an order